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Your Safety Is

Your Responsibility...

People go to work every day, but don't expect to be injured. You have a right to a safe and healthful work environment, but employers are not the only ones who are responsible for your safety, you are too. 

Make a commitment today to take an active role in safety. Don't wait until something happens and an injury takes over your life. You can save as a good role model to your co-workers for safe work practices and behaviors by: 

  •  Following established health and safety policies and procedures.
  •  Maintaining your personal work area in a clean and orderly manner.
  •  Wearing, maintaining and properly storing your personal protective equipment (PPE).
  •  Attending all safety training that your employer offers.
  •  Volunteering to serve on your Safety Committee.
  •  Using safe work practices to eliminate slips, trips and falls.
  •  Lifting safely and helping others to do the same.
  •  Labeling all chemical containers and becoming familiar with material safety data sheets.
  •  Knowing evacuation procedures and the location of emergency equipment.
The resources on the Worksafe Colorado website will help you, your co-workers and your supervisor create a safe and healthy workplace.
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